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Post-Baby Workout Inspiration

Let’s face it, it’s hard to continue working out while pregnant; impossible for some. By the time I reached 5 months along with my last pregnancy I basically stopped doing any kind of physical exercise besides chasing my other two kids around, but boy was that exhausting enough! A few weeks after delivering my babies I’m usually so ready to start moving again since I feel liberated from giving birth and excited to have my body somewhat back to what it was before. It can be tricky to find the time to go to the gym or develop an at home workout routine as a sleep deprived mom, but I promise it actually helps give you more energy and feel better about yourself! Here are some tips for getting that pre-baby body back:

  1. Before starting any workout regime, it is important to rest at least 6 weeks post-partum and get your doctor’s approval. Once you do start exercising, be sure to take it slow and gradually build up your strength. You don’t want to overdo it and hurt your body more than help.
  2. Get up early! I know you probably don’t get enough sleep as it is, but waking up just a little earlier to take care of yourself will help set a positive mood for the rest of your day. If you just aren’t a morning person, try going at night after your baby and kids are in bed. Whenever you decide to go, make it a habit and it will be much easier to stick to it.
  3. Find a form of exercise that excites you. I’m not one who loves running, but I do love to dance! I’m all over the zumba and barre classes at my local gym. If you find a class or activity that is fun while you sweat, you will be much more likely to stick to it. If finding a babysitter is difficult, strap that baby in a stroller and go for a walk. Anything to get you moving. Plus a breath of fresh air cures all!
  4. Buy cute workout clothes! This seems silly but it’s a huge motivator in getting me to the gym. If you feel confident and cute in your gym apparel you’ll actually want to put them on and workout. See my favorite workout clothes below.
  5. Make healthy habits outside of just exercising. Especially if you are breastfeeding, you are going to want to eat a balanced diet. Be sure to eat lots of healthy meals and snacks to keep your energy from plummeting at that dreadful 3:00 time of day when you’re ready to crash on the couch. Working out will also go much smoother and you’ll see faster results if paired with healthy eating habits.

I would love to hear other tips and tricks you moms have found that help with workout routines post-partum. Remember, pregnancy and giving birth is hard work and a miracle in itself. Your body won’t be exactly as it was before so be patient with yourself. Try not to pay attention to the scale but more about how good you feel by taking care of your body. Developing a healthy habit of regular exercise and eating well is the most important.

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